Customized software and test bench solutions, professionally realized
From our experience as a solution provider, we know; our standard products cannot always and 100% meet every customer’s requirement. Customized software development and the adaptation of standard solutions to special user requirements are therefore part of our portfolio.
As developers and manufacturers, we know our products down to the last technical detail. At the same time, by creating customized solutions, we get to experience the characteristics of our products from an application perspective.
This unique combination is the basis for a technically and economically optimized service that is perfectly fitted to our customer’s requirements. We are convinced that expertise and reliability as well as economic processing are the crucial factors of qualified, customer-oriented service.
We offer
- a team of experienced and field-proven experts
- economic partial or complete solutions according to specific requirements
- close partnership-based communication with know-how transfer
From tool to solution
- Test bench development: customer and application specific software
- Test bench software with automation and closed loop control concepts
- Customized software solutions
- Customized user and display interfaces
- Custom evaluation routines
- Connection to databases and web interfaces
- Online & offline data import and export from third-party formats & digital bus systems
- Web applications and smartphone apps for monitoring tasks
Support for measurement applications
- Profound technical support for application and equipment issues
- Effective use of complex product features
- Remote services
- On-site service and commissioning
- Data conversion and evaluation algorithms
- Automation of operation, analysis, documentation and data management
- Data evaluation sequences
- automation and closed loop control issues