Consulting & Engineering
Services for testing electric motors and components
Custom-fit and individual solutions thanks to our experts
Creation of specifications
Basis of a reliable offer is a description of the scope of the inquiry as precise as possible – ideally in the form of a specification sheet. This helps to compare the offers of different providers and makes it easier to select the most attractive partner for the implementation in terms of technology and price.
The procurer of a test bench does not always have the time and experience to develop a detailed specification. Our imx project engineers support our customers in the creation of a neutral description, from the draft document structure to the finished document. For successful project execution, the requirements specification is the basis for the development of a functional specification, which in the end leads to a successful test bench approval.
Retrofit & Upgrade of test benches
In contrast to a complete new design of a test bench, selective replacement of components can save costs, since existing components are still used. In general, the replacement of measurement equipment, the automation devices and the control computer is a simple and cost-effective way to adapt the test stand to new test tasks. We offer you support with consulting, dimensioning, electrical and mechanical design and the implementation of your project.
Enhancement of the testing software
The modular and open structure of the imx OMEGA test software allows systematic upgrading of the tests, so that you do not need to redevelop the test software if the test specifications have changed. For further development, our experts are available both as third-party manufacturers and as support for your own developments.
We will be happy to provide you with an offer for the upgrade of your software to include standard tests or tests according to individual specifications. We also offer support hour bundles. Our experts can provide you with advice and assistance in implementing new or modified types of testing.